Posts Tagged ‘Elites’

They are out there…somewhere…sipping on an eleven dollar Cappuccino Mocha Latte…shopping for a new Italian made Armani pinstriped suit…heading to their midtown upscale office building…parking their paid for BMW in front of their golf course home…a White nanny picks up their kids from a private school soccer team practice…these people are the Black Elite…these people are the so called “representatives” of Black America…with their Yale and Cornell college degrees, their NBA contracts, their Gold discs on the walls…these people diagnose problems in the Black community with a sharp and elegant tongue. For example;

“The eminent problem with Black America is its lack of congeniality with the political system, absence of economic vigor, scientific term after scientific term, scientific term after scientific term, yada, yada, yada.” -Uppity Negro

The Black Elite usually denounce Caucasians because they feel they are all racist. Interestingly enough though, the Black Elite send their kids to all White private academies, shop at upscale all White staffed department stores, eat at upscale all White staffed restaurants, and even work at an all White staffed job, aside from them of course, who thanks to Affirmative Action, received the lucky token hire. These people eat “soul food” not because it tastes good, not because they grew up off it, but because Tyler Perry movies glorify it. Even the Black Elite have to “keep it real” sometimes. Pass the Collards please! These people are the representatives of all Black People in any crisis. These people are “voice of the voiceless” so to say. If a young Black male is killed largely to racial profiling, call up, Roland Martin, a highly educated Black man who is never without a suit and tie. If a city is approaching staggering numbers of Black on Black crime, call up Nick Cannon, a millionaire actor, rapper, and comedian. If the Black male high school dropout rate triples, call up Jay Z, a millionaire rapper and clothing label designer. It’s ironic. Its like when it comes to the 99%, its always a member, or at least an aspirant member, of the 1% to be their representative. Imagine if there was an outbreak of robberies and murders in a local trailer park. Would the media go interview residents of the local golf course to get their take of the situation? I doubt it. So why if there’s an unprecedented rise in teenage pregnancies in the urban Black community do CNN and friends interview Beyonce to get her take on the situation? Its time for us to represent ourselves, the 99% representing for the 99%. We don’t need rappers turned reverends turned reality TV stars turned debit card sellers to represent us. We don’t need drug dealers turned rappers turned authors turned actors turned video game stars turned vitamin infused water spokespersons to represent us. We don’t need record producers turned rappers turned hip-hop moguls turned band making reality TV stars turned alcohol sellers to represent us. Who is “us” by the way? Us are we. We are the imprisoned, the oppressed, the debt ridden, the uneducated, the educated, the poor, the struggling………the conscious…the awake.

Cats don’t do well at representing mice. Christians don’t do well at representing Muslims. The rich don’t do well representing the poor…be they Black or White.